Trixel Creative Wiki

So today I've re-organised and added some parts to the home page.

First things's first, I've added a mini-navigation bar to the introduction text on the page - underneath the T-Games Logo. Here you can access 'About this wiki', 'Recent changes', 'Active users', 'Categories', 'Help Pages' and 'Forums'.

Now you may notice that this wikia doesn't have a forum at the moment - as it was disabled a few months back. It will be re-enabled again, but for now it links to the Killzone wikia Forums.

If you scroll down a bit, you'l also notice that where the Poll used to reside, is a new section titled 'Featured Article'. This is pretty much self-explanatory, and will be refreshed every-so-often.

Scroll down even further, and now you'll see that the Poll has been placed underneath the newsletter - and is now Monthly, not weekly (hence the header - 'December Poll').

AAnndd last but not least - I've added the 'Gaming Wiki Explorer Ma-Bob 3000' to the bottom of the page, which makes it look more official :3

(also, those of you with eagle-vision will be able to see that the clock and twitter widget have now changed colour to fit with the new christmas theme - also, I made the wiki christmas themed :3)
